Over the next seven weeks we are excited to present the CODE PURPLE devotional from our friends at UNCOMMEN. This is post #7, the final post. Please join me in supporting these godly men working to help men impact their families, community, and the world for Christ. Click this link to connect with them and say thank you for allowing us to share their devotionals here.
Verse Reference: 2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
This final CODE PURPLE is talking about your retirement years.
My wife and I are still 15 years away from retirement in the “retirement talk” sense. But after seeing how some people retire, I don’t know if I’m looking forward to that kind of retirement. I’ve never worked for a company that has a golden parachute or pays you to retire. So, it’s always been on us to plan for that period of our lives. With owning our own company, it’s even more on us to prepare for that season of life.
But I’d like to speak about this part of our lives differently. It’s great to think about time and money to travel the world; to be on permanent vacation from work and be able to come and go as you please. Your wife may have her own ideas on how you both will retire. Shopping at Antique stores with coffee in hand. Day trips to the mountains to have lunch and just look at the trees change colors.
But that is rarely what happens when retirement comes along. Money may be tight, your health may get in the way of you traveling. All the things you’ve put off through life seems to be out of reach now. You and your wife may have different goals now that you are retired. Have a conversation about how you can serve together.
But your calling to what Timothy calls, “The Good Fight” or “The Race” does not change.
In fact, you may have time to get involved with a ministry that you didn’t have time for before you retired. I don’t want to spend all my time playing solitaire or doing puzzles. That may have a place in my future day’s schedule, but it will not define my older years.
God can use you at no matter what age you are if you are open to it.
- Moses was 120 years old when he finished serving God
- Joshua was 110 years old when he was serving God
- Abraham was 99 years old when God called to father Issac
- David was 70 years old after reigning as King of Israel
- Paul was 64 years old when he was called home
- Peter was 65 when he died for the name of Christ
- John was 98 years old when he died serving Christ
How old do you have to be to serve God? Whatever age you are right now will do just fine.
Uncommen Questions
What are your plans for when you retire? Does it involve God at all?
Have you prayed about what God’s Will is for your retirement?
Uncommen Challenge
Leave the solitaire, puzzles, and horseshoes to others. You have been called by God to continue to take the Gospel into the world. The Great Commission doesn’t say in Matthew 28: 16-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age…until you get to 65, then take it easy!”
Fight the Good Fight and Finish The Race!