Our last post included the challenge to ask yourself, in the fight for closeness, ‘Why am I hiding?’ I trust you asked yourself that question and arrived at an honest …
Hide & Seek: The Fight for Closeness
‘Where are you, Adam?’ Tragic that God needs to ask that question. ‘Hiding’ was the answer. Hide and Seek Like I hid from my dad, a boy who had done …
The Fight For Closeness
Closeness… Is something we are fighting for now. The Fight In the middle of fighting against a pandemic and the fight against digital distance disguised as nearness. We are fighting …
A Year Off… Sort Of!
I’ve taken the past year off from writing of any kind, including this blog. It wasn’t exactly a vacation, more of a year of disconnection (in some ways). A Year …
Godly Men Are Relational Men
My title is a bold statement that some men dislike. They argue with me, dismiss the truths the statement holds or can’t be bothered to spend the few minutes of …
New Video Interview: ‘It’s Time’ with Herman And Sharron
My wife says this is one of the best interviews, but you decide. Herman admits to being a disconnected man and Sharron agrees! And that’s just where it starts. Hope …
Tune In Tonight For Our Interview on WGGS-TV 16, Greenville, SC
Join us tonight at 8 p.m. eastern standard time for an interview with Dante Thompson of WGGS-TV in Greenville, SC. Niteline will be 60 minutes live. We’ll be sharing from …