My title is a bold statement that some men dislike. They argue with me, dismiss the truths the statement holds or can’t be bothered to spend the few minutes of …
You And I Need To Keep Our Heroes In Their Place
Everyone has their heroes. You admire your heroes for their ability to overcome, to remain consistent, humble, strong, creative or whatever quality you most value. You look to them with …
Connecting With Your Disconnected Dad: Dealing With Your Pain
In the second ‘Connecting With Your Disconnected Dad’ post I cautioned those with disconnected dads that you had to be in a place personally to engage their dads. I gave …
The Absolute Necessity of Patience
I’m reminded nearly every day that patience is last on my list of character traits. Even if I seem patient on the outside, I’m feeling pressure to move forward on …
The Eternal Desire Of God: To Make A Home With You
God shares the deepest thought of His heart with us throughout the Bible. That thought? ‘I want to make a home with my people.’ It’s been His desire from eternity …