Our last post included the challenge to ask yourself, in the fight for closeness, ‘Why am I hiding?’ I trust you asked yourself that question and arrived at an honest …
Hide & Seek: The Fight for Closeness
‘Where are you, Adam?’ Tragic that God needs to ask that question. ‘Hiding’ was the answer. Hide and Seek Like I hid from my dad, a boy who had done …
The Fight For Closeness
Closeness… Is something we are fighting for now. The Fight In the middle of fighting against a pandemic and the fight against digital distance disguised as nearness. We are fighting …
A Year Off… Sort Of!
I’ve taken the past year off from writing of any kind, including this blog. It wasn’t exactly a vacation, more of a year of disconnection (in some ways). A Year …
Timing Isn’t Everything But… A Few Hints For Approaching Your Man
Conflict in relationships happen everyday! You find yourself unhappy about something, you see something new or have finally put your finger on just what is causing the issue. Suddenly your …
The Absolute Necessity of Patience
I’m reminded nearly every day that patience is last on my list of character traits. Even if I seem patient on the outside, I’m feeling pressure to move forward on …
Are You Afraid to Offend Your Disconnected Spouse?
Today I want to say a few things about taking offense. And this goes back to a conversation I had with one my closest male friends several years ago. It’s …