I was talking to someone recently about my book and the idea of the Disconnected Man and he asked me a thought-provoking question that I hadn’t thought about. He asked, …
Are You Afraid to Offend Your Disconnected Spouse?
Today I want to say a few things about taking offense. And this goes back to a conversation I had with one my closest male friends several years ago. It’s …
The Marriage Promise A Christian Man Believes: R-E-S-P-E-C-T
We’ve spent the last two weeks exploring the promises Christian women and men believe about marriage. Promises that may not be on the top of our minds or that we …
The Marriage Promise A Christian Man Believes
The marriage promise a husband believes is rarely, if ever, discussed. Most men probably wouldn’t be able to put it into words. What exactly does a man expect from a …
The Marriage Promise A Christian Woman Believes
Marriage is not a cultural phenomenon. It’s a relationship ordained by God and given to humankind for the purpose of unity, completion, and love (to name just a few). It’s …
New Video Interview: ‘It’s Time’ with Herman And Sharron
My wife says this is one of the best interviews, but you decide. Herman admits to being a disconnected man and Sharron agrees! And that’s just where it starts. Hope …
Join Us Tomorrow On CTN’s ‘It’s Time’ with Herman and Sharron
Had a great time with Herman and Sharron. Watch as Herman asks Jim some very important questions and hints at his own disconnection! It was a joy to be with …