Our last post included the challenge to ask yourself, in the fight for closeness, ‘Why am I hiding?’ I trust you asked yourself that question and arrived at an honest …
Hide & Seek: The Fight for Closeness
‘Where are you, Adam?’ Tragic that God needs to ask that question. ‘Hiding’ was the answer. Hide and Seek Like I hid from my dad, a boy who had done …
The Fight For Closeness
Closeness… Is something we are fighting for now. The Fight In the middle of fighting against a pandemic and the fight against digital distance disguised as nearness. We are fighting …
A Year Off… Sort Of!
I’ve taken the past year off from writing of any kind, including this blog. It wasn’t exactly a vacation, more of a year of disconnection (in some ways). A Year …
Timing Isn’t Everything But… A Few Hints For Approaching Your Man
Conflict in relationships happen everyday! You find yourself unhappy about something, you see something new or have finally put your finger on just what is causing the issue. Suddenly your …
Self-Control: How A 4 Year Old Speaks For Most Of Us
My wife and I have been teaching three and four year olds at our church. Yes, it’s a circus every Sunday – a lot of fun!! It’s not only fun, …
Godly Men Are Relational Men
My title is a bold statement that some men dislike. They argue with me, dismiss the truths the statement holds or can’t be bothered to spend the few minutes of …
You And I Need To Keep Our Heroes In Their Place
Everyone has their heroes. You admire your heroes for their ability to overcome, to remain consistent, humble, strong, creative or whatever quality you most value. You look to them with …
‘I’m Sorry’ Is A Lie If THIS Doesn’t Happen, #4
This is the final post in this series, and perhaps the most important. We’ve been learning what the Apostle Paul meant when he said there were two kinds of sorrow. …
‘I’m Sorry’ Is A Lie If THIS Doesn’t Happen, #3
In our last post we introduced the word repentance. People tend to equate the word repentance with images of shouting and frothing preachers. We picture John the Baptist as some …
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