In ‘I’m Sorry’ Is a Lie If THIS Doesn’t Hapen Part #1 we talked about Paul and how he rebuked the Corinthian church. We related it to how our spouse …
“I’m Sorry” Is A Lie If THIS Doesn’t Happen, #1
What does it take to make “I’m sorry” real? There is a life changing principle for both disconnected and connected men and women tucked away in 2 Corinthians, chapter 7. …
Connecting With Your Disconnected Dad: Dealing With Your Pain
In the second ‘Connecting With Your Disconnected Dad’ post I cautioned those with disconnected dads that you had to be in a place personally to engage their dads. I gave …
Connecting With Your Disconnected Dad: A Few Simple Steps
We learned in my last post that your disconnected dad has nothing to do with you. It’s his issue, his challenge to overcome. But and he doesn’t even have to …
Connecting With Your Disconnected Dad: It Starts With You
Regardless your age, if you have a disconnected dad, you’ve probably longed to get to know him, to feel loved by him, or just get a sense that you matter to …
The Absolute Necessity of Patience
I’m reminded nearly every day that patience is last on my list of character traits. Even if I seem patient on the outside, I’m feeling pressure to move forward on …
A Disconnected Culture: Is Masculinity Under Attack?
I was talking to someone recently about my book and the idea of the Disconnected Man and he asked me a thought-provoking question that I hadn’t thought about. He asked, …
Are You Afraid to Offend Your Disconnected Spouse?
Today I want to say a few things about taking offense. And this goes back to a conversation I had with one my closest male friends several years ago. It’s …
The Marriage Promise A Christian Man Believes: R-E-S-P-E-C-T
We’ve spent the last two weeks exploring the promises Christian women and men believe about marriage. Promises that may not be on the top of our minds or that we …
The Marriage Promise A Christian Man Believes
The marriage promise a husband believes is rarely, if ever, discussed. Most men probably wouldn’t be able to put it into words. What exactly does a man expect from a …